Conversion tracking is the first and most important step in maximizing your ad campaigns and earning more.
If you cannot track exactly where your sales and leads are coming from with pinpoint accuracy, you’re probably burning a big hole in your pockets without even realizing it. Kodu Media’s digital marketing system helps you track multiple sales and leads without the need to place any extra code on your website(s).
Conversion Tracking with the Kodu Media Dashboard
Kodu Media makes it easy for you to track conversions that happen on your website. All you need to do is:
- Import a Goal from your Adwords or Facebook account, then assign a Conversion Name & Conversion Value to your goal.
- Copy and past the conversion tracking ID from Adwords into the correct field.
- Optionally, you can also pass a Unique Goal ID (you’ll need to code this on your website) to cross-reference conversions with your own data, and avoid duplicate conversion.
Enter your landing page URL into the proper place in your Kodu Media account. You can track upsells, downsells, one-time offers, exit offers and even important page views, using this method. You can use Kodu Media for AdWords conversion tracking, FaceBook Ads conversion tracking with other PPC tracking features.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking
Affiliate marketers working with networks like ClickBank for example, can use the Sub ID conversion tracking option. With this option, you just need to enable the “affiliate tracking” topion, and select the correct Sub ID format. LinkTrackr will automatically pass our Click ID to your Sub ID parameter. You can then import your commissions report (with the Sub ID data) into LinkTrackr and we’ll give you complete reports for each conversion.
Discover Sub ID conversion tracking
Facebook Pixel Conversion Tracking
Every time a conversion tracking pixel image is loaded, we count the action in our system. This method is great when marketing with partners, or modern affiliate networks since you need access to real-time data. Therefore, they need not worry about the possibility of unwanted codes or tracking being injected into the code. (Yes, people are paranoid)
Discover pixel conversion tracking
Bing Conversion Tracking
Postback conversion tracking is becoming more popular as more third party tools are thrown into the marketing mix, and with the explosion of mobile conversion tracking. With Postbacks, you do not need to put any code on an actual page. Instead, the partner’s server sends conversion data back to your own postback URL. It also doe not need cookies to work.